Master thesis relating to CC
In2Waste Solutions
In2Waste Solutions and WP5 collaborated on a master’s thesis internship project. From January to June this year, student Amy van Baalen worked with In2Waste to investigate the circular business model for reusing legacy PCB components in the WEEE recycling industry. She identified key enablers and challenges, such as technological advancements and legislative pressures, and created a business canvas and RASCI operational flow for implementing the model. Interviews with experts from CC consortium highlighted strong connections within the CC community, and Amy’s work has laid the groundwork for further exploration of the circular business model.
“It was really helpful to have Amy investigate the circular business model for reuse. We learned a lot, and she assisted us with scientific implementation methods we might not have used otherwise.” —— Barend Ubbink from In2Waste Solutions
The thesis of In2Waste is:

Nedap and WP5 cooperated on a master thesis internship project. Student Catelijn van der Meer went to Nedap from February to June this year to explore the possibility of the leasing model with a specific case of Nedap’s product ID POS 2, identifying internal and external factors critical to success, such as stakeholder collaboration, lifecycle management, reverse logistics, centralized support, and predictable costs. Furthermore, business partners’ contributions and refurbishing can be the future development direction. The exploration of a new circular business model will be continued after Catelijn’s initiatives.
The thesis of Nedap is: